About us

Over the past 40 years, our clinic has served as a primary care facility, providing medical services to individuals of all ages and addressing various illnesses. We're proud to have built lasting relationships with families spanning three or more generations since our clinic's inception. As Japan experiences significant demographic shifts, characterized by an increasingly aging population, the demand for healthcare services for the elderly is growing, particularly in Adachi City, where our clinic is located. In recent years, there has been a noticeable rise in the need for elderly care services in the Oyada-Danchi area.

Over the past 40 years, our clinic has served as a primary care facility, providing medical services to individuals of all ages and addressing various illnesses. We're proud to have built lasting relationships with families spanning three or more generations since our clinic's inception. As Japan experiences significant demographic shifts, characterized by an increasingly aging population, the demand for healthcare services for the elderly is growing, particularly in Adachi City, where our clinic is located. In recent years, there has been a noticeable rise in the need for elderly care services in the Oyada-Danchi area.

As part of our clinic's renovation plans scheduled for April 2024, we intend to introduce medical services focused on cardiovascular diseases, which are significant concerns in elderly care. We aspire that these additions to our healthcare services will further contribute to the well-being of our neighbors. We remain steadfast in our commitment to primary care as the cornerstone of local community medicine and will continue to play a pivotal role in providing comprehensive healthcare services to our community.

Ippei Watanabe MD PhD ECFMG
Director: Oyada-Danchi Clinic

Our survices

General Internal Medicine
We offer a comprehensive range of internal medicine services without specializing in any specific field. This includes acute care for common complaints such as cold symptoms (fever, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, phlegm, etc.), abdominal symptoms (vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, impaired digestion, etc.), and chest symptoms (chest pain, back pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, etc.).
We also manage chronic conditions that require long-term treatment. For instance, we provide preventive measures and treatment for lifestyle-related diseases such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes. Additionally, we address other conditions such as allergy-related diseases (bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, etc.), recurrent headaches, anemia, constipation, prolonged lower back pain, and insomnia.

Cardiovascular Medicine

As cardiologists, we specialize in treating lifestyle-related diseases such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes. Additionally, we are committed to dedicating efforts to the early diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular conditions that pose immediate threats to life, such as angina, acute myocardial infarction, and lethal arrhythmias. Over the years, we have conducted research on organ interactions both in Japan and the United States. Organ interactions refer to conditions where diseases such as heart and kidney ailments exacerbate each other. In cardiovascular medicine, it is crucial to recognize that the progression of systemic arteriosclerosis often impacts multiple organs, including the heart, brain, and kidneys. Therefore, we are dedicated to providing medical care that takes into account the overall health of the entire body rather than solely addressing localized issues.

Home medical care

Home medical care is one form of outpatient care targeting patients for whom it is difficult to visit outpatient clinics. In home medical care, healthcare professionals such as physicians and nurses visit patients' homes or facilities to provide medical care similar to that offered in outpatient settings. This includes routine examinations (interviews, visual examinations, palpations, etc.), as well as tests (blood tests, urine tests, blood pressure measurements, etc.), treatment of bedsores or wounds, prescribing oral medications and providing guidance on their use, administering intravenous drips or medications, catheter management, pain management, and more.

Main medical procedures performed in home medical care include:

  • Introduction and management of home oxygen therapy
  • Management of central venous nutrition
  • Treatment of bedsores
  • Management of gastrostomy tubes
  • Various tests (ultrasound examinations, simple X-ray imaging, electrocardiograms, blood sampling, urine tests, blood pressure measurements, etc.)
  • Various vaccinations
  • Exchange and management of various catheters such as nasogastric tubes and indwelling urinary catheters
  • Home palliative care, etc.

Preventive Medicine

Vaccination: vaccination aims to prevent the spread of epidemics and the exacerbation of infections by acquiring immunity against specific infectious diseases.

The preventive vaccinations available at our clinic include:

  • Influenza vaccine
  • Coronavirus vaccine
  • Shingles vaccine
  • Pneumococcal vaccine
  • Cervical cancer vaccine
  • Japanese encephalitis vaccine
  • Measles and rubella vaccine

Specific Health Checkups: Adachi Ward offers specific health checkups to individuals aged 40 to 74 who are covered by the national health insurance. The examination includes:

  • Interview and examination by a physician
  • Physical measurements (height, weight, waist circumference, BMI)
  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Blood tests (lipids, liver function, fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, etc.)
  • Urine tests (urine glucose, urine protein, etc.)
  • Chest X-rays and electrocardiogram

We also provide checkups for individuals covered by social insurance, as well as specific health checkups for the elderly in the later stages of life.

Please be sure to make a reservation for vaccinations and checkups through our website or by phone.

Appointment available



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